Welcome to our new children at Nursery and Pre-School.
Staff News
Diary dates
Thank you for your donations to Comic Relief for which we raised £60. Please can all donations for St. Luke’s Hospice Leaping Lambs be in by the end of April, I’ll update you on the total in the next newsletter. We collected 45 bags of donations for St.Luke’s local shops for which they are very grateful.
As the warmer weather approaches please can all Nursery parents (and Pre-School parents who wish to provide their own), send in sun cream for your child, Factor 50, labelled with their name. On forecasted sunny days please can all parents apply sun cream in the morning just before arrival, we will then apply sun cream during the day as necessary. Please also send in a sunhat which can stay here, again labelled with your child’s name. Thank you.
Check out our Facebook page for reminders of dates etc and to keep up to date with what’s going on.
If you have any problems logging into ‘Tapestry’, our online learning journal, please let us know. You are always welcome to come and speak to your child’s Key Worker if you’d like an update on their progress.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
Thanks for your continued support,
The Oakmere Team
Oakmere Children's Nursery
Blakemere Village
Chester Road
01606 889 336